Tuesday, August 27, 2013


This horse is an example of a heterotroph, instead of producing it's own food it feeds on organic matter produced by or available in other organisms. Heterotrophs are the opposite of autotrophs which can produce their own food.


This flower is an example of homeostasis. Homeostasis refers to any process that an organism uses to maintain stable conditions. Knowing the external and internal environment is very important to maintaing homeostasis. Plants use hormones to maintain a stable internal environment, and respond to different external stimuli through control mechanisms. Homeostasis is essential to all plants survival, without it plants couldn't maintain water and mineral levels or control the right amounts of hormones in their system.


This roots of this pine tree and fungi are an example of a mycorhizae. Nearly all plants on earth rely on mycorrhizal fungi and would struggle without it. Pine trees use the ectomycorrhizal  fungi that forms a sheath around the plants roots. Mycorrhizal fungi serve many purposes a few are increase drought resistance, increased root generation, enhancement of other organisms in the soil, and reduces trance plant shock.


The soil above is an example of eubacteria, lots of eubacteria are living in the soil right now. Eubacteria are known as true bacteria and are prokaryotic cells which means they lack cell nucleus. Eubacteria are the most common group of bacteria, they can be found all around us and in us. They vary greatly, some eubacteria can kill us, others produce antibiotics and help digest food in our stomachs.

Bilateral Symmetry

This sand dollar is an example of bilateral symmetry. This means that when split down one plane called the sagittal plane both haves of the sand dollar will be almost exactly the same on the outside.

Monday, August 26, 2013


This plant growing towards the light is an example of tropism. Tropism is the directional movement response of a plant caused by directional stimulus. This tropic response specifically is phototropism which means the plant is growing towards the strongest source of light. Phototropism is a blue-light dependent response, controlled by the photoreceptors.

Modified Stem of a Plant

This strawberry plant is an example of a modified stem of a plant. The stem of this plant is a stolon or runner which means that the plant grows horizontally along the soil. The function of most stolons are vegetation production, and they also propagate asexually by the runner method and crown division.